Industrial valves for the interception and monitoring of fluid and gas valves to steam for thermal oil, for aggressive media, valves for use in the chemical, petrochemical, food, waterworks, heating / air conditioning, fire fighting, water treatment systems cogeneration systems for power generation.

Float valves 3-way valve  Pressure reducer  Pressure scrubber

Safety valve – "Y" inclined valves  Control valve

PR RAIMONDI VALVES s.r.l. - 20027 RESCALDINA (MI) - ITALY - Via Gerenzano, 22/24   Tel +39 0331-577300 / 576037   Mobile +39 338-1253559
C.F./P.IVA 09030130968   Capitale Sociale € 10.000 i.v.   REA: MI-2064776